If you're interested in our story, you'll find it here. When was what done and, above all, "why"? One team, one story.

We founded CeBus in 2002 and have been responsible for local public transport and school transport in the town and district of Celle ever since.

Our head office with administration, workshop and bus depot is in Celle, and we also operate depots in Faßberg (with workshop), Wietze and Eicklingen. We also have depots in Steinhorst, Bergen, Marwede and Hohne.

273 employees drive, repair, manage, clean, inspect and keep the company up and running. Our dedicated team is at the heart of our success. We attach great importance to friendliness and service-orientation. Our staff undergo regular training to ensure that we always offer you the best customer service.

Would you like to be a part of it too? Then take a look at our Career pagemaybe there is an interesting job for you.

Under the motto "CeBus is well received", we transport thousands of people every day. Customer satisfaction is our top priority. Our most important goal: to get you to your destination safely and on time. These are our values and principles that guide us and make us a reliable partner in local public transport - you can rely on that.

With our modern vehicle fleet, we focus on environmentally friendly local transport. We operate 58 articulated buses, 43 solo coaches and 2 minibuses in regular scheduled services. In addition, 5 minibuses (8-seater) are used for the "EasyShuttle" on-demand service. 85 % of our vehicles fulfil the Euro 6 emissions standard - and the trend is rising, as new vehicles are purchased and replaced with old ones every year. The average age of our fleet is 7.4 years.

Since October 2023, we have been offering more flexibly bookable public transport in the joint municipalities of Lachendorf, Flotwedel and Wathlingen with the "EasyShuttle". It couldn't be easier: download the app - book your journey - off you go. Learn more here more.

We are proud of our successes to date and of our employees who make this possible and are determined to continue contributing to your mobility and quality of life in the future. Our long-term goals include active participation in the transport transition and the protection of nature and the environment.

Strong figures that make a difference.

Status: 2023

270 employees

118 vehicles

19.7 million sales per year

5.2 million kilometres per year

14 million passengers transported per year

1,000 stops

The BusGroup

The BusGroup: resources and expertise united under one roof. Together, we are driving forward the networking of mobility and strengthening our ties to the region and its people.

CeBus GmbH & Co. KG
Nienburger Straße 50 | 29225 Celle

Management: Stefan Koschick, Katrin Driver

Transport area:

Scheduled bus services in the town and district of Celle


Over 270 in the administration/operations in Celle and the Faßberg office


Celle, Faßberg

CeBus GmbH & Co. KG was founded in Celle in 2002. The shareholders are: Kraftverkehr Celle Stadt und Land GmbH, Lembke & Koschick GmbH & Co. KG, Celler Straßenbahn GmbH and Verkehrsbetriebe Bachstein GmbH.

The mobility offer covers the entire bus service in the city and district of Celle.

KVG Stade GmbH & Co. KG
Harburger Straße 96 | 21680 Stade

Management: Jan Behrendt, Michael Fastert

Kraftverkehr GmbH - KVG -
Dahlenburger Landstraße 37 | 21337 Lüneburg

Management: Jan Behrendt, Michael Fastert

Transport area:

Scheduled bus services in the cities of Buxtehude, Cuxhaven, Lüneburg, Stade and Winsen (Luhe) and in the districts of Cuxhaven, Harburg, Heidekreis, Lüneburg, Lüchow-Dannenberg, Rotenburg (Wümme) and Stade


Over 1,000 in the central administration in Stade and six companies


Buxtehude, Cuxhaven, Hittfeld, Lüneburg, Soltau, Stade

KVG Stade GmbH & Co. KG is a subsidiary of Verkehrsbetrieb Osthannover GmbH. Its mobility services include scheduled urban services in Buxtehude, Cuxhaven, Lüneburg, Stade and Winsen (Luhe) as well as intercity, school and commuter services in the districts of Cuxhaven, Harburg, Heidekreis, Lüneburg, Rotenburg (Wümme) and Stade. Its business activities also include the rental of buses and coaches and the organisation and implementation of planned rail replacement and emergency bus services for partners such as metronom, S-Bahn Hamburg, erixx and enno.

Müller Busreisen GmbH
Stolpner Straße 4 | 01833 Stolpen-Langenwolmsdorf

Management: Jan Behrendt, Ramona Durke

Transport area:

Scheduled bus services in the city of Dresden and the district of Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge


Around 45 in the areas of transport, administration and workshop



The company was founded in Stolpen in 1945. Verkehrsbetriebe Bachstein GmbH has been a wholly-owned shareholder since 1 January 2019. The mobility offering includes bus services, school transport and rail replacement services.

Verkehrsbetrieb Osthannover GmbH (VOG) -
Nienburger Straße 50 | 29225 Celle

Management: Jan Behrendt, Michael Fastert

Verkehrsbetrieb Osthannover GmbH (VOG) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Osthannoversche Eisenbahnen AG (OHE). VOG is the main shareholder of KVG Stade GmbH & Co. KG and Kraftverkehr Celle Stadt und Land GmbH.

Verkehrsbetriebe Bachstein GmbH
Nienburger Straße 50 | 29225 Celle

Management: Jan Behrendt, Michael Fastert

Transport area:

Scheduled bus services in the city of Wolfsburg and in the districts of Bayreuth, Gifhorn, Hof, Helmstedt, Kulmbach, Saale-Orla-Kreis, Tirschenreuth, Vogtlandkreis, Wolfenbüttel and Wunsiedel im Fichtelgebirge


Around 150 in the administration and three companies


Hof (Saale), Hornburg, Wolfsburg-Vorsfelde

The mobility services offered by Verkehrsbetriebe Bachstein GmbH include scheduled bus services in Lower Saxony in the city of Wolfsburg and the districts of Gifhorn, Helmstedt and Wolfenbüttel.

And in Bavaria, in the Fichtelgebirge in the districts of Bayreuth, Hof, Kulmbach, Saale-Orla-Kreis, Tirschenreuth, Vogtlandkreis and Wunsiedel.

VB is also involved in various equity investments.

Project 500 - New record: electric bus covers over 500 kilometres

With regard to the usability of electric buses in regional public transport, there is often still scepticism about the accessibility of the significantly higher travel distances compared to urban public transport. The fact that electric buses are now also competitive in regional transport has been impressively demonstrated by a practical trial at the Bachstein transport company.

Back in February of this year, the Bachstein transport company carried out a test drive with an IVECO Heuliez E to test the range of a battery charge in regular service. Despite the cold weather in February, the specified range of between 300 and 350 kilometres was achieved. At this point, it was clear to the company that the 500 kilometre mark could also be achieved with just one battery charge in the next test run.

The record-breaking test drive has now been successfully completed - 543 kilometres, 48 hours on route 750 and no intermediate charging: an impressive record for an IVECO electric bus journey. This is because the vehicle itself is designed to cover only 300 kilometres. For the record-breaking project, the IVECO E-WAY commuted on route 750 in the district of Wolfenbütel in the Braunschweig region on 15 and 16 July from 5.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on just one battery charge. The electric bus had already achieved a range of 520 kilometres in a preliminary test on 12 and 13 July under exactly the same conditions.

Both test drives were accompanied by TÜV Nord employees, who sealed the charging socket on the vehicle and noted the mileage before the start of the first test day. At the end of the second day's driving, the seal was removed again and the range driven was certified.

The team from the Bachstein transport company and the "BusGruppe" partners placed particular emphasis on testing the electric bus under the most realistic conditions possible. The bus therefore travelled on a real route and was on the move in commuter and school traffic, stopped at bus stops, opened and closed its doors, and passengers got on and off again.


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Aware of our responsibility - social commitment

We are involved in social projects in many different ways. All our partners are carefully and critically selected. Here you can find all our partners at a glance.

The Aller Winter Torchlight Swim of the DLRG Celle was first organised in 1966, making it the oldest winter torch swim in Germany. The idea of organising a winter training session came from the diving team at the time to train their fitness and test new equipment. In February 1966, 10 to 12 members, wearing their new diving suits, entered the 2°C cold Aller in the Celle district of Altencelle and swam the almost 9 kilometres to the clubhouse in the Celle harbour.

Since then, local fire brigades, associations and diving clubs have joined in, so that every year on the second Saturday in February between 200 and 250 participants swim from Altencelle to the Dammaschwiesen.

We support the Allerschwimmen by providing two buses for the quick transfer of swimmers to the showers in the gymnasium at the Burgstraße school centre.

For more than 40 years, the MTV Eintracht Celle together with many voluntary helpers Celle Wasa Run from. Several thousand runners take part in the sporting event every year on the second Sunday in March.

We support the Celle Wasa Run by providing two buses that serve as luggage storage for the runners.

Through the "Cultural faces", a network was created in Celle in 2020 that bundles a great deal of creativity and energy. Since then, this has resulted in colourful programmes full of good humour, colourful sounds and cultural delights.

We are always open to the projects and provide support wherever possible. The portraits of 160 cultural players adorn a bus travelling around the city and district of Celle. By taking the portraits, the Celle cultural scene was given a face during the long forced break caused by the pandemic.

The Lions Club Celle Residenzstadt was founded in 2010 and accepted into the community of Lion Clubs. In line with the Lions motto "We Serve" = "We help", the Lions Club is not only committed to the objectives of LIONS CLUB INTERNATIONAL, but also focusses on promoting social and cultural projects in Celle and the surrounding area.

We support the Lions Club Celle Residenzstadt Every year, we provide our subscribers and employees with vouchers for monthly tickets, which are issued via the Advent calendar campaign, and at the same time we buy around 700 Advent calendars to give away to our subscribers and employees.

With the "I am strong" project, the CD barracks Every two years, the school offers primary school children a music, culture and prevention programme in which up to 800 children from the town and district of Celle take part. During the course of the project, the children learn how important it is to always include the weakest members of the team - to make them strong. They learn to recognise undiscovered strengths and weaknesses in their classmates and how to deal with them. 

In the CD-Kaserne recording studio, the pupils record a CD with songs they have written themselves, and we offer a free transfer service between the school and the CD-Kaserne.

Once a month, the old drill hall at the New Town Hall is transformed into a cinema and coffee bar for senior citizens. Around 180 visitors come to spend a cosy afternoon together.

We take turns with several actors and donate the cake for the event and display the cinema posters free of charge in our buses.

We support the youth work of the city of Celle in several projects:

  • Free bus advertising and display of posters for campaigns
  • Holiday pass holders travel free of charge on the bus during the holidays
  • Free bus advertising for an appeal for donations for the renovation of the skate park
  • Free transfer station/incognito to the Juicy Underground Festival

Every year, school bus guides are trained in cooperation with the municipality of Lachenddorf, the police, the OBS Lachendorf and the Immanuel-Kant-Gymnasium.

We pay for the bus trip to a workshop in a country school centre and the bus trip to a fun event.

The "Children's Hospice Day" is celebrated every year on 10 February. On this day, attention is drawn to the situation of young people with a life-limiting diagnosis and their families. The German Children's Hospice Association, as the initiator of the day of remembrance, has brought out a green ribbon for this purpose, which is now recognised nationwide.

To express our solidarity with and respect for the work of volunteers in children's and family hospice work, we will be "hoisting" the green flag on all buses on 10 February.

Further information on children's hospice work can be found here.