
In the district of Celle you are travelling with fare levels A - K. Your fare depends on the route you want to travel. You can buy all tickets, except season tickets, annual school travelcards and monthly travelcards, directly on the bus. However, it is best if you buy 4-ride tickets and season tickets directly from one of our Advance booking offices purchase. You can order season tickets and annual school passes either online or via our Subscription management.

How do you know how much you have to pay on the bus?
Use our tariff calculator in the Timetable information. Schau‘ einfach mal rein: Gib deine Wunschstrecke ein und sieh, wie viel Bargeld du mitnehmen musst.

Tickets for the district at a glance:

(Prices in euros, as at 01/01/2023)
Location Tariff group EF Erw. 4 adults Child Child of 4 Family card SWOK SMON WOK Erw. MON Erw.
Adelheidsdorf/Branch Großmoor and main road C 3,50 11,70 1,90 7,00 9,80 20,40 62,70 27,30 83,70
Adelsheidsdorf bridge and stud farm B 3,10 10,10 1,70 6,10 6,90 16,00 48,60 22,80 65,00
Adelheidsdorf junction Nienhagen B 3,10 10,10 1,70 6,10 6,90 16,00 48,60 22,80 65,00
Ahnsbeck E 4,70 16,00 2,70 9,60 11,80 25,90 78,00 36,80 104,00
Old salt dung E 4,70 16,00 2,70 9,60 11,80 25,90 78,00 36,80 104,00
Alvern C 3,50 11,70 1,90 7,00 9,80 20,40 62,70 27,30 83,70
Weekly ticket for adults (WOK)18,80
Weekly ticket for schoolchildren/kindergarten children (SWOK)14,10
Monthly season ticket for adults (MON)58,30
Monthly season ticket for senior citizens (MON)55,70
Monthly ticket for schoolchildren/kindergarten children (SMON)43,50
Combined ticket GVH adults46,60
Combined ticket GVH Seniors44,50
Combined ticket GVH pupils34,70
Monthly pass 25% Annual subscription adults43,70
Celller Card (subscription)44,20
Senior card (subscription)38,90
Job subscription (City of Celle)40,00
Germany ticket49,00
(Prices in euros, as at 01/01/2023)