Many good reasons why! Become a bus driver (m/f/d) now! Secure job - secure future.

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I'll help you get into the job! Whether you want to change your job, get back into working life or do an apprenticeship - becoming a bus driver is easy!


There are a lot of good reasons, take a look

Payment according to collective agreement

Overtime is paid & holiday and Christmas bonuses

39 hours/week

32 days holiday

Working in a family environment

Work clothes are provided

Company pension scheme & capital-forming benefits

Job bike, gym allowance & fresh fruit

Make people mobile & contribute to climate protection

  • Punctual payment of wages
  • Permanent employment contract after probationary period
  • Supplements for work at night, on Sundays and public holidays
  • Premium for eco-driving
  • Additional special leave (e.g. relocation, wedding)
  • For even more variety: opportunity to "get a taste" of other transport areas of the KVG/BusGroup


  • Help with covering the costs of a bus driving licence
  • Employee benefits (discounts with numerous providers)
  • Training for personal development
  • Prevention programmes for your health
  • Turning a hobby into a job

CeBus voices

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Very easy - it's easy to get started, we'll help you!

You can join us full-time or part-time as:

  •  You transport passengers from A to B.
  • You will start your service at one of our eight operating centres and travel on various routes in the town and district of Celle.
  • Your service card tells you what time you have to be at a stop on which line.
  • You work in shifts. In order to reconcile work and private life in the best possible way, we offer reliable shift and holiday planning.
  • You will be in contact with colleagues from our control centre via radio, but you will also work independently and make decisions on site yourself.
  • Friendliness and helpfulness characterise you
  • You enjoy working with people and are responsible
  • You have a well-groomed appearance and good manners
  • Your German language skills are good

Simply send us your application:

We will then invite you to an interview with us so that we can get to know each other personally.

There is a duty rota for school and holiday periods for employees in the driving service. This gives you an early overview of days off and working days. The shifts vary in length, the shortest being around 5 hours and the longest just under 10 hours. There are also split shifts, where you are on the road in the morning and at lunchtime and have time off in between.

The duty roster for the following week is published on Wednesdays and includes holiday replacements and any other absences. If a private appointment should come up at short notice, there is the possibility - if this is operationally possible - to swap a shift.

You have 32 days holiday per year. You must submit your holiday application for the following year in the period from October to December.

You will be travelling on different routes during your shift. This means you will be familiar with different routes and have variety. The buses are allocated to different transport services. This means that you may drive a different bus every day.

The weekly working time is 39 hours. You will work in shifts, including weekends and public holidays. We pay all overtime with a supplement. There are also bonuses for working at night, on Sundays and public holidays and a bonus for eco-driving.

There are different rhythms of days off and working days. This means you also have weekends off at regular intervals.

You start your shift at the depot to which you are assigned. You register with the control centre via your duty telephone. You can see which vehicle is assigned to your shift on the vehicle overview displayed. Together with the vehicle key, you take the service folder with you. This contains all the information from the start of your shift to breaks and the end of your shift, as well as all journeys with details of the routes, departure times and start and end points.

Before you set off with the bus, a vehicle check is required. This includes a visual check for possible damage to the vehicle, a light test, a check of the interior for cleanliness, lost property and defects, adjustment of the driver's workplace (cockpit, mirrors, etc.) and logging on to the on-board computer with your personnel number and personal PIN number.

During your work as a driver, your tasks will include paying attention to road traffic, selling tickets, checking tickets and advising and supporting customers.

During on-call times, you check the passenger compartment for cleanliness and lost property.

When your shift is over, you return to the bus depot. There, the vehicle is checked again for damage and lost property. You then hand back the key and the service folder. If you have any lost property with you, print out an accompanying note and deposit both at the collection point.

We will help you with the application for a bus driving licence, don't worry.

We pay according to the AVN collective labour agreement, which is 2,727.97 euros gross per month. The salary increases with each pay scale level and increasing length of service.

  • Supplements for work on Sundays, public holidays and at night
  • Tax-free manpower allowance of 16 euros
  • "One-man driver allowance" of 2.30 euros for scheduled journeys
  • Surcharge of 4.10 euros for split duty
  • Paid overtime with 25 % supplement
  • Premium for eco-driving
  • Holiday pay per day 14.32 euros
  • Christmas bonus
  • Company pension scheme
  • Capital-forming benefits
  • Uniforms are provided
  • Prevention programmes for my health
  • Subsidy for the gym
  • JobRad

The probationary period is 6 months. If both sides are happy, you will then receive a permanent employment contract.

  •  Door chip for the key fob: The chip is for access to the company premises.
  • Service telephone for reporting for duty, telephone calls to the control centre and any accident photos.
  • Printer chip to register at the ticket printer on the bus.
  • Toilet key which is suitable for all company toilets on the routes along the bus lines.
  • Money changer for storing and quickly giving change when selling tickets.
  • Change for the sale of tickets.
  • Emergency ticket block if the printer does not work.
  • Driver's manual with timetables, operating regulations and all important information about the vehicles, the operating system and the ticket printer.

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